Kaya Mezarlar

Rock Tombs

İskilip Rock Tomb

It was built on a 100 m high natural rock in the center of Iskilip, and there are rock tombs from the Roman period on the southern and southeastern skirts of the castle. The rock tomb located in the southeast has a rectangular entrance with two columns. Round column bodies descend upwards. There is a sitting lion on the bracelets on the headdresses. In the triangular pediment above the column capitals, there are two lion figures (Eros, the god of love) with wings facing each other, lying down. One of the reliefs has a sword in his hand and the other a glass in his hand. There are two benches inside the burial chamber.

Rock Tombs

Lâçin Kapılıkaya Monumental Rock Tomb

Approximately 27 km from Çorum. It is located in the north-west corner of the headland of a rock block extending towards the north, on a very steep, rocky and rugged terrain formed by deep valleys split by streams, in Kırkdilim locality. It is a Hellenistic Period rock tomb belonging to Commander IKEZIOS, dating back to B.C. II. It dates back to the century. 65 m from the stream level. The high rock tomb has a trapezoidal podium floor. From this podium, you can reach the second platform with an 8-step staircase, and from there you can reach the podium in front of the tomb with a 12-step staircase. The inscription "IKEZIOS" can be read on the door of the burial chamber.